「We seem to have missed the gist of that gist you were looking for.」
GitHub見るとこんな感じでアカウント止められた。 pic.twitter.com/uMuU6XwlF0
— boot (ぶーと)@最近顎が痛い (@bootjp) 2014, 9月 28
Help help!! NO! i'm Spammer!! by "Whoops. We seem to have missed the gist of that gist you were looking for." って送っといた。 — boot (ぶーと)@最近顎が痛い (@bootjp) 2014, 9月 28
Hi, I'm so sorry, our spam-catching robot isn't always perfect. On the upside, we don't have to worry about it becoming an overlord any time soon. I've unflagged your account, and you're all set! Sorry for the trouble, but you're squared away now. Thanks, ****
「We seem to have missed the gist of that gist you were looking for.」
Hi ****-san. Thanks!! But, my account re-suspend.. Plese, cancel a suspend. by : bootjp
— boot (ぶーと)@最近顎が痛い (@bootjp) 2014, 9月 29
送られてきたメールに送り返しました。 数分後同じ担当のかたから以下のように
Hi [本名], Sorry about that! I've given the robot a stern talking-to; you shouldn't see that again. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, ****
という流れでした。 そんなこんなでとりあえず、サポートに連絡すればどうにかなるようです。